Cuber animation

Motion Graphic / Illustration / frame by frame

How do we exist? The metaphor posited is that individuals are akin to the cogs and gears of a grand machine known as society. However, this mesmerizing video challenges this perception and offers a fresh perspective on how humans thrive in society.

The narrative unfolds as a human is enfolded within the framework of a cube, journeying through the vastness of the world. With every turn and every step, the cube morphs and transforms, symbolizing the infinite possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of societal norms. For we are not mere screws but beings with the power to dream and aspire toward greatness. Freedom may not be absolute, but it is within our grasp to pursue our own happiness and embrace the wonders of the world. Let this captivating motion graphic inspire us to carve our own paths and live life to the fullest.